Exploration equipment guide
What to take on an exploration @Midlands Urban Eye Law: On terms of the law, carrying certain items may be considered a criminal offence. Never bring any items which could be used with intent to break in, Things like tools can be classed as "carrying an offensive weapon" or "being unlawfully equipped" depending on the situation and it can be incriminating. Its highly recommended to leave sharp items and tools at home, If you have to break into the place you're going to explore maybe exploring there isn't worth it, as breaking an entry regardless of the buildings state can be classed as a crime and is punishable depending on the sites owner. Intro: In general it depends on the place you are exploring. This guide is to help with fully equipping yourself to go on an adventure to an abandoned location prepared. Below is a list of items you'll need and items it'd be ideal to bring. Some items may be useful in your situation some may not be,...