USA Urban exploration and the law
This may be a short article as the law isn't as define for the USA as it is in European countries. As far as we know, building that are abandoned for certain periods of time especially if not being paid for, fall into the hands of the state council/government. Meaning being prosecuted for simply exploring is highly unlikely especially if you can prove exploration is all you intended to do. In most states, exploring an abandoned building isn't something that summons police callouts often, and when it does, police simply shoe you away rather than make an arrest, likewise to the UK that is unless there are signs you have or will commit a criminal offence on the sites, which includes breaking in, arson, vandalism, theft and public disturbance. If you have or may have committed one of those offences police may arrest you, and you could be charged with one of those offences. Different states have different laws so its advisable to contact the local authority to double check where the law stands on "simple" trespassing. Again, exploring an abandoned site providing you have no offensive weapons on you or tools used to break in, you should be okay, However if you are asked to leave, LEAVE. If an abandoned building is definitely not owned, no charges would be made towards you for exploring there, as they'd be nobody to sue you or being there, and nobody to claim you're on their land, however if it is owned land and the owner has an issue with you, you may be taken to court for trespassing on their land as some buildings despite looking abandoned may still be being paid for. Its always wise to check it out before hand, and if you cant find information, go unarmed and do not break your way in, that way you are innocent of any serious penalties. Its unlikely to be charged for simply exploring a building because courts require certain amounts of evidence to prove you are guilty of a crime, and simply being told you were on an abandoned site is not really enough to make charges towards someone, unless you were seen breaking in or causing damage on camera or by police etc. Feel free to comment corrections and if you do plan on visiting an abandoned building, make sure you contact your local police department via email or phone and just ask them about the law on abandoned buildings and urban explorers entering them. As your state may be different to others on terms of legislation.
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